Sunday, 9 January 2011

Working 9 to 5

It's actually more like 8.30am to 5.30pm, and 8.30am to 2.30pm on Friday's, but the details aren't important. What is important is the fact that I am a working girl. Finally. 

While it feels like it has taken forever to find a job, in reality we landed in Cyprus little more than 2 months ago; and while we were anxious to find a flat, full time jobs and to settle as quickly as possible, I think we have done well in a short space of time. 

This past week has been my first working week - although not a full working week thanks to the public holiday on Thursday - and I have enjoyed every minute of it. It has taken its toll on my body and my brain in equal measure and if im honest im absolutely knackered. In all fairness for the past two months I haven't been working, my sole aim has been to find a flat and make it our home, and while job hunting and blogging has kept me sane, I think my brain has deteriorated a little. 

It is also a totally new industry for me; there is a lot to learn but I think I have picked up the important bits from my first 3 and a half days of work. I understand some business finance and credit information terminology, I now know what a credit report, due diligence report and a site check is and I can tell you what KYC stands for (I wont though because you're probably not interested). I mastered the computer programme and order process on day one - something I should be proud of according to the team - and since, have been placing orders like a pro. Sort of. I ask questions about everything i'm unsure of and luckily they dont mind because they know this is all new to me. I have also undertaken my own little project - to write a marketing email - so I feel well and truly part of the team. 

The office is nice and I feel pretty much at home there all ready. I know where the kettle is and everyone thinks I a bit strange for drinking peppermint tea - Cyprus is a country of coffee drinkers. Obviously I don't understand a lot of what goes on in the rest of the office due to the language barrier. But I have found myself eves dropping on peoples conversations and every night I go home with a mental list of words for Harry to define and teach me. 

So now its Sunday night and for the first time in about a year - remember before leaving England I worked retail and always had Monday's off due to my weekend shifts - I have that Sunday feeling. Like the one you had when you were at school and were dreading Monday. Don't get me wrong I am very happy to be working, it's just going to take some time for my body to align with these 6.30 am starts. 

Early bedtimes for me. 

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