Friday 18 November 2011

the culinary skills of Kakoullis

Ok, I know I write often [sometimes too often] about food and what we eat, but I seriously like food, so you will have to put up with it until I outgrow my obsession. And while i'm usually the one in the kitchen, the past few weeks Kakoullis has taken over. Considering most men in Cyprus don't cook [except when it comes to the souvla] I feel quite lucky that I have a boyfriend who knows how to do more than heat up a pot noodle.

I could totally get used to being cooked for; and I think we have a pretty good deal going on. Kakoullis cooks [and makes all the mess] and I eat and clean up. Which isn't bad as I like eating and I like cleaning [but dont tell him that - otherwise my whole "please help me hoover' argument goes out the window.

Tonight's come dine with me experience - pork chops with mash potato, fried onions and peas. Perfect for a cold winter evening in Cyprus (and for those of you who dont believe that its really that cold - please come and visit and you can experience for yourselves the fridge we like to call home thanks to marble floors and no double glazing).

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